Access to the Daily VIDEO Accountability Call and Private Chat!

You get the community, the ideas, and now accountability. 

You have all the tools to be successful, now it's on you to commit and be consistent!

Every weekday you will have access to other people doing what you want to do,

Making videos daily.

Being in the room with other focused people will help you stay consistent.

You will also get daily ideas from me and the other people in the group who are there to support you.

I created this call because I know it is difficult to create every day. I wanted people to have a place to share their ideas, successes and struggles openly. 

What you'll get:

  • Live weekday accountability calls via Zoom Monday - Friday.
  • Access to the private messenger chat 


  • What if I'm on the West Coast? We meet at 5:45 am PST
  • How long are the calls? Typically 15 minutes 
  • Do I have to attend every day? Nope! Pop in when you can
  • What about Holidays? There will be times when someone other than Liz runs the call when she is unavailable. We take Major Holidays off. 
  • Do most people participate daily? Yes. And the reason we show up together every single day is because of the undeniable value we all receive by showing up for one another
  • How long do I have to commit? Your membership is monthly, Cancel anytime. Email Tonya anytime to cancel.  [email protected]
  • Are there refunds/prorated costs? No, by the nature of this digital content, there are no refunds available. You can cancel at any time. No questions asked. 

Due to the nature of online products, there will be no refunds. You are free to cancel the subscription at any time you want.

$127.99 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases